Establishment of a AG (Public Limited Company)

Large and medium-sized businesses in Austria are registered as a joint-stock company (Aktiengesellschaft) - a legal entity whose share capital is divided into shares.

Establishment of a Joint-Stock Company and Share Capital

The legal status of Aktiengesellschaft, the rights, and obligations of shareholders are similar to the status of a joint-stock company in the CIS countries. Shareholders receive income in proportion to the number of shares, participate in decision-making at general meetings of shareholders (Hauptversammlung), and can buy and sell shares.

The minimum size of the share capital of a joint-stock company is twice that of a limited liability company (GmbH) and amounts to 70,000 euros. This capital is divided into shares, and each founder, when establishing a joint-stock company, purchases a number of shares depending on their contribution. The issuance of shares is possible only after the registration of the joint-stock company.

It has been possible to create a joint-stock company in Austria as a sole founder since 2014.

Taxes Paid by a Joint-Stock Company in Austria

A joint-stock company pays the same corporate tax as a limited liability company (GmbH) - 25% of the profit, and if there is no profit for the tax period - 3,500 euros. At the same time, the tax amount can be spread over three years. The income of shareholders from shares is subject to Kapitalertragsteuer at a rate of 27.5% (capital income tax). If a joint-stock company is liquidated, the income from liquidation is also subject to tax.

How Long Does it Take to Open a Joint-Stock Company in Austria

On average, it takes 3 months for the registration of Aktiengesellschaft, the issuance of shares, the preparation and collection of necessary documents, visits to all authorities, and bureaucratic procedures.

We assist with the opening of a business in Austria of any legal form: we select rental premises, process all documents, represent your interests in authorities. You will receive a ready and quality result, with minimal involvement on your part if desired.

Services provided for opening a business:

  • Submission of an application for opening, completion of all necessary forms
  • Registration in the trade registry (Firmenbuch)
  • Obtaining the necessary licenses for the company
  • Obtaining the tax number of the company (Steuernummer)
  • Communication with all government agencies
  • Arranging an insurance policy for entrepreneurs (SVS)
  • Personal support and advisory assistance 24/7 throughout the collaboration
  • Any other questions that may arise

Clients most often order a complete package of services for opening a legal entity, but you can also order consultations or services for specific questions - whichever is more convenient for you.