Business Consulting

Altavida Group lawyers take full responsibility for resolving issues related to the establishment of LLCs, JSCs, and sole proprietorships. The client can quickly obtain the necessary documents for establishment, including certificates from the Federal Chamber of Economy, notarized founding documents, assistance in placing the share capital, registering the enterprise, and obtaining a VAT number. Fast and reliable.

Expert financial consulting involves the development and adjustment of financial planning tailored to the needs of business companies. We conduct research to determine the exact state of the client's assets, seek the best financing options, and assist in negotiations, relieving the client of labor-intensive and sometimes tedious formalities.

Market analysis is also an important tool for successful business development. It allows understanding the needs and requirements of customers, identifying competitive advantages, and discovering new opportunities for growth. Altavida Group conducts market analysis, learns about trends affecting the industry, as well as competitors, their advantages, and disadvantages. This knowledge enables the development of a strategy that ensures success in the market.

A financial consultant with a lawyer accompanies the client at every stage of cooperation, explaining complex points and forming a professional package of recommendations to solve all the problems entrusted to us.

Austria is a legal country with many nuances. Setting up a business is a laborious process that requires a lot of time and experience. It does not go without bureaucratic hassles. That's why you should turn to Altavida Group. One of our main advantages is that we have all the possibilities to solve your problems.

What will you get from cooperation with Altavida Group?
A wide range of services aimed at developing your business in Austria.
Altavida Group approaches each client's request individually. The service of providing financial and legal assistance begins with studying the data in each specific case. Our experts will clearly explain all possible nuances that our clients may face in the future and outline the algorithm of actions to solve their problems.